Lost a friend on Saturday. SIR member Steve Hameister suffered a heart attack during our 300km (not long after this picture). Efforts to revive him at the scene and in the hospital were ultimately unsuccessful.
Steve started riding with us in 2005. Never one of the fastest riders, he was always one of the most determined. He rode his first full series with us last year, combining it with rides in CA and OR for a RUSA 2000km award. This year he rode a difficult 1000km in poor conditions as part of his training for Paris-Brest-Paris. I supported that ride; Steve was matter-of-fact about the challenges and determined always to finish, which he did - one of six (of eleven starters) who finished that weekend. He came in wet, happy, tired, and proud.
Steve gave back to the club as well. For last month's 400km, I needed a volunteer to sit at the top of Stevens Pass all night to man a control. When I put out a last minute request for help, Steve was the first to respond. Manning a post over 100 miles from home, Steve was a welcome sight to the riders at the end of a difficult climb.
Paris-Brest-Paris was on his agenda. He'll be there next month, but only in our thoughts and memories. Thanks, Steve.
We are very sad to hear of the passing of Steve. Although we had lost touch with him he has been in our thoughts many times. He leaves a big void in the world, and it will be hard to find a person as kind and gentle as he. Good bye friend, we are sure you had some wonderful friends while on your adventures.
I could not leave this page without leaving a comment,as steve hameister was my cousin.we were not that close knit as you can probably tell by my just now learning of his passing,even still I can recall plenty of good memories growing up with steve,like sneaking beers at his wedding reception to his first wife debbie and him catching us and all he did was grin a little and told us to keep them low. He was alway's so quiet and calm about everything,despite all of the tragedy he had to deal with thru the years,he always had that steady calm about him,that, I am sure is his greatest strength.Godspeed steve! I will never forget you! Your cousin Ted
god speed, steve. may your bike always do what it is bikes do forever in heaven.
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